
Friends2Gether is our National Lottery funded Intergenerational project based at Aylesbury Cafe which focuses on improving people’s wellbeing for those aged 18-25 and 55+

The aim of the project is to bring older and younger people together to provide mutually beneficial support on a range of different topics, sharing skills, learning from each and generally having a good time. 

We have run successful groups, and engaged a lot of people.  Having recently relocated to Oasis Cafe in Aylesbury, we are able to enhance this project as we have may more facilities, including our own cafe and training kitchens, with plenty of parking space on site.   

Our Media, Arts & Culture Project has been expanded in Aylesbury, and with additional funding from the lottery we know have 3.6 staff focussing on the project. 

Social Activities

The Friends2Gether project aims to improve physical and mental health, decrease social isolation, and increase self-esteem and well-being whilst improving social, emotional and employability skills.

We recognise that both younger and older people have been disproportionately impacted by the effects of Covid and therefore this project is aimed at these groups of people who are experiencing:

  • Social isolation/loneliness
  • Mental health difficulties
  • Physical health difficulties
  • People wanting to expand on their skills.
a group of people cooking together

About Friends Together

As part of this project, we are introducing a 1-2-1 befriending service that will provide the opportunity for those who are socially isolated to find companionship in someone who shares common interests to provide mutual support. Traditionally, befriending services have focused on supporting older people, but this service will pair an older person with a younger person (either age group can be the volunteer), which allows both sides to be enriched through support and learning.

The cooking group by Bucks Council Helping Hand service aims to teach culinary skills to people aged 18-25 and 55+. The group makes different recipes each week while also encouraging service users to bring some of their own recipes and skills to the group. The group, led by volunteers, also looks at how we can cook on a budget, nutrition and how to use food donations to make meals.

Our music groups, including the music appreciation group (book club for music lovers), songwriting group and jamming group all take place as one of our community activities through our Media Arts and Culture programme as part of the Friends2Gether project. Service users have the opportunity to come together, immerse themselves in different styles of music while also singing or playing an instrument and learning new skills from each other.

We have a lot of other groups in the works, including an 18-25 year old litter picking walk, an intergenerational book club and a music production group, and we are always open to new suggestions!

If you would like to be involved, please contact:

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